As a nation, we’re coming into the season where we focus on THANKSGIVING. Pumpkin pie, moist turkey, along with buttery mashed potatoes and gravy are just a few of the extras we get to enjoy. “MMM. MMMMM. MMM.” 🙂 But, aside from food and festivity, what about the rest of the year? What do you do when you KNOW you SHOULD be thankful, but you aren’t?
If you took snapshots of our life, you’d find we’re probably similar in many ways. Truth be told, sometimes thankfulness comes easier in some seasons than it does in others.
Recently, 3 of our family members experienced cancer. Some won their victory this side of eternity, while others … won on the other side. Needless to say, our faith was tested, leaving us with a choice. Did we really believe what we professed to believe? That God is in control, that He’s faithful…even when life doesn’t make sense. Would we praise God no matter what?
It wasn’t easy, but we took our stance to renew our minds daily. We chose to focus on GOD rather than our circumstances and in the process renewed our emotions and spirits. As we did, we began to understand …
Thankfulness is a matter of choice.
Friend, we don’t know what you’re battling today … but we do know you can trust God. He is near. We also know (firsthand from experience) that we all have the power to choose thankfulness. YOU hold the ability to offer thanks. AND, when YOU do … when YOU CHOOSE to offer thanks … God shows up to offer you comfort. (Check out 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 when you get a minute.)
When we choose to practice thankfulness, feelings eventually align with faith. And, when we get our feelings under control, we always find something to be thankful for.
Over the next month we’ll unpack thankfulness and would love to hear your thoughts on your favorite traditions … so don’t be shy … Keep your response under 100 words and comment on Facebook or this blog. Send your favorite holiday memory or tradition. Each response will be monitored and one lucky responder will be announced at the end of this month and will win a free gift. Until then, choose one of the applications below to CHOOSE THANKFULNESS, together.
This Week’s Application
- Ask yourself, “Is there any place we’ve allowed ourselves to doubt God’s faithfulness? Is it because we are worried? Is it because we are trying to get our way? What do we need to yield so that we can begin to trust again?
- Think back, over your life, and reflect on God’s faithfulness. Begin by thanking Him for what HE’s done BEFORE and then transition into thanking HIM for what HE’S ABOUT to do.
- Ask one another, how do we need to tweak our thoughts to make giving thanks a part of our daily habit?
Want to get the FUN and FLIRT back in your marriage? Join a FREE live call featuring New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Les Parrot, marriage authors & speakers Greg & Julie Gorman, and internationally acclaimed entrepreneur Paul Martinelli on November 25th. Sign up below for the call to make 2019 your best year yet as a couple.