Hey Friends!
Stephen Covey wrote that too many of us spend too much time on what’s urgent and NOT enough time on what’s important. Does that resonate with you? Listen in to this week’s Morning Meditation for Marriage and Family as we share one of the key things we believe makes all the difference in a relationship! A sneak peek of what we cover in this video:
- How we can seek to understand, then to be understood.
- How we can bring about what we think about.
- The importance of slowing down and discovering our spouse.
We hope you enjoy and share with anyone you think could benefit from this message!

Are you a couple who also works together? We call that a Coupleprenuer. There are many different challenges (and benefits) that come from running a business or organization with our spouse, we want to help you minimize the challenges and leverage the benefits. Enroll in our Coupleprenuer course today!