For the past 20 years, Greg and I have worked hard … and played hard … together. We’ve recently learned we’re not alone. There are about 6 million other couplepreneuers here in the U.S.alone! After two decades as coupleprenuers, one thing we know for sure…there are some very unique challenges to working AND loving together. Lol, Well, we’ve combined hundreds of hours of research along with our own experience to bring you our 1st series on being successful as a couplepreneuer. This content is written to address the unique challenges couples face who, like us, are life partners and business partners. So, if you’ve ever experienced a power struggle with your mate … wished for greater balance and connection … or wondered how to keep your love fresh while making your business successful … lean in and click the link provided to unlock the secrets of successful couplepreneurs!
Living united together is possible. Join Greg and Julie as they share insights into the beautiful life of Couplepreneurship and provide tips for you and your spouse. Throughout this ten-video series, you’ll find your marriage transformed and reformed into a fortified bastion of hope, love, and vision moving forward!
So what are you waiting for? Jump into this life-changing opportunity to learn, grow and cultivate the couplepreneur marriage you’ve been dreaming of today!