BUILD YOUR BUY IN, Begin with the End in Mind
“Leaders who never take time to ask what they are doing and why they are doing it are unlikely to stay on track, lead at their best, and reach their potential. That is why we need to keep asking ourselves tough questions.”[i] ~ John Maxwell
As writers, if we want to be highly effective, if we want to reach more people, and make a difference; we need to … Begin with the end in mind.
(To maximize your learning, take a moment now to print out this first session’s participant guide as we spend time together to help you begin to streamline your taglines and clarify your passions for writing.)
HANDOUTS for BUILD YOUR BUY IN, Begin with the End in Mind
PRINT AS A PDF: Fall 2020 Participant Guide Session 1 Begin with the End in Mind
PRINT AS WORD DOC: Fall 2020 Participant Guide Session 1 Begin with the End in Mind
ARCHIVED RECORDING CALL for BUILD YOUR BUY IN, Begin with the End in Mind – AUGUST 13th, 2020
[i] John C. Maxwell, Good Leaders Ask Great Questions. Nashville Tennessee, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2011. Page. 47