GET AUTHORIZED FALL 2020 90 DAY BOOT CAMP FOR WRITER’S, SESSION 6: Choose Your Hook and Describe Your Book
In the publishing world, “the hook”—is that certain something that makes a book marketable and catches a reader’s interest.
Your book description provides the ‘sales pitch’ to your reader why they should purchase your book. They often appear on the back cover and help readers determine whether a book is for them or not. When you get it right, they won’t be able to resist buying it. When you get it wrong, nothing’s gonna help. So, make it good!
HANDOUTS FOR How to Choose Your Hook and Describe Your Book:
- GA 2020 90 Day Boot Camp for Writers Session 6 Choose Your Hook and Describe Your Book Participant Guide (Word Document)
- GA 2020 90 Day Boot Camp for Writers Session 6 Choose Your Hook and Describe Your Book Participant Guide (PDF Document)