Be Strong and Courageous!
Are you facing a few battles today? Need a little encouragement? In Joshua 1:5 God promises, “No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
As couples, we will inevitably face battles that will challenge our strength and test our faith; BUT…we are NOT alone. God is with us. And, if GOD is with us…who can stand against us? The promise offered specifically to Joshua echoes the same for every man, woman, and child of God.
What has God called you to? Like Joshua, what “Jordan” is he calling you to cross over? What “Promised Land” awaits you?
One thing’s for certain, obeying God and surrendering to His plans isn’t always easy. As a couple, pursuing God’s purpose requires FAITH in WHO GOD IS and a united determination to hold fast to WHAT HE’S PROMISED.We see evidence throughout Scripture that God’s people encountered the greatest opposition right before they experienced victory…but…God always proved faithful.
This Week’s Thought
Be strong and courageous, together!
This Week’s Scripture
1 Corinthians 16:13-14, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.
This Week’s Application
What battles do you face today? Perhaps God is calling you to forgive someone who doesn’t deserve your forgiveness…maybe your finances have diminished while your bills continue to grow…maybe you struggle with depression, questioning the purpose of life…maybe your battle is physical and you face the giant of sickness…OR…maybe you face relational conflicts or your children have gone wayward …regardless…The same God who was with Moses…the same God who walked with Joshua…now walks with YOU!
Be careful to not turn on one another. Face your battles, united, together.
Each morning, say a quick prayer for one another. Something as simple as the following can help to keep you united!
This Week’s Prayer
Father, we feel weak at times, but we choose to put our hope and confidence in YOU. Fulfill Your promise and be with us. Help us to NOT be terrified or discouraged. Thank You that we are NOT alone and that You will NEVER leave us or forsake us. It is a privilege to serve You. Help us to walk faithfully with You and follow You wherever You lead. In Jesus name, amen.